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Why Everything is Becoming a Game - By Gurwinder

Why Everything is Becoming a Game - By Gurwinder

All the easier to control you

An AI reading of Why Everything is Becoming a Game - By Gurwinder.

This article explores the concept of gamification and its potential consequences. It discusses how game-like elements are being increasingly used to shape human behavior in various aspects of life, from social media and dating apps to work and education. The author argues that while gamification can be used for positive purposes, it also poses risks by distracting people from meaningful goals and trapping them in addictive, counterproductive patterns of behavior. The article draws on the ideas of B.F. Skinner, Ted Kaczynski, and others to illustrate these points, ultimately suggesting that individuals must carefully choose which "games" to play in life in order to avoid being manipulated and to pursue truly fulfilling goals.

The Prism
Why Everything is Becoming a Game
I. The Happiness of Pursuit For years, some of the world’s sharpest minds have been quietly turning your life into a series of games. Not merely to amuse you, but because they realized that the easiest way to make you do what they want is to make it fun. To escape their control, you must understand the creeping phenomenon of gamification, and how it make…
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